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Troubleshooting Tips

Here are the common issues that you can get to display a message:


Lightning Page / Mobile / Digital Experience

1 - Lightning Page is not visible for my me/my user

2 - Message has a filter which is hiding the message

3 - End-user does not have the EvoluteMessage Show Message Permission Set
4 - Toast Message does not display on Lightning App Builder

5 - Toast Message is showing HTML characters instead of rendering as Text

6 - Special character into the Prefill Field into the Text Message


If you have done all the steps and you still having issues, please send an email to



1. Lightning Page is not visible for my me/my user


Make sure your Lightning Page that you are changing is the page showing for you on live page and not only on the builder. You can check a few things:


You can drag and drop another simple component from salesforce into your page and see if that is working.


Example, Rich Text component, add that into your page in the same spot that you added the EvoluteMessage component, save and go back to the live page and see if that new component is showing for you.


Image below showing that we search for the Rich Text field, added that on top where the message is supposed to show, and added a text, and clicked on save.

EvoluteMessage alert in Lightning Page

When you load your lighting page on live, you are supposed to see the Rich Text field you added.

Banner Message in Lightning Page

If you don't see that, probably you are changing a page that is not the same you are seeing, it setup probably to show for a different profile or screen. 


You can go back to the Lightning App Builder, and click on Activation and see for who that page is setup. Once you figured that out, you probably will see the EvoluteMessage to be rendering as well. 


You can read more about here:

Lightning Page

2 - Message has a filter which is hiding the message


Let's remove any type of filter that we have to make sure where to focus. Create a very simple Advanced message with no filter, and add that into your page.


We have two filters:

- Salesforce Out of the box called Set Component Visibility

- EvoluteMessage Advanced Filters


Remove all the filters.

Salesforce out of box visibility
Advanced Filter for EvoluteMessage

After you removed the Filters, don't forget to publish if you changed the Advanced Message, and if it is Set Component Visibility, don't forget to save your lightning page.


If the message starts to show, now we know that the Filter is the one blocking that.

For Advanced Filter, keep in mind that your end-users need access to the records that you are filtering if you are using related objects. If you still have no clue why the filter is the cause, send us an email with your screenshot and explain your scenario and I will help you.


3 - End-user does not have the EvoluteMessage Show Message Permission Set


If the message is showing for you but it is not showing of your end-user, check if your end-user has the permission set called: EvoluteMessage Show Message 

This would allow the end-user to have access to our objects, but that would not means that the user can see the records created by you. So make sure to configure your sharing settings to allow users see the records created by you for EvoluteMessage Objects. You can easily set that into Sharing Settings for these objects:  Evm Message Content and Evm Data Source.


4 - Toast Message does not display on Lightning App Builder


This is because your toast message is setup to use Salesforce engine, that does not mean we won't show that on the live page, if you save and go to your page, you should see the toast message.


You also have the option to disabled the Salesforce engine, if you go to the Message Builder Page for your Toast Message, you will see an option called "Salesforce Engine", if you disabled that, it means it will use the EvoluteMessage Engine, and the message will be render on the Builder as you wish.


5 - Toast Message is showing HTML characters instead of rendering as Text

Sometimes when you add a link into a Toast Message Text, then you go on live and render the message, the message shows a special character like the image below.


This happens because you are using Salesforce Engine to render the Toast Message. You will need to disable the Salesforce Engine, on item 4, we show where the Salesforce Engine is located, you just need to disable that which would use our EvoluteMessage engine and that would render properly.



6 - Special character into the Prefill Field into the Text Message


If we have a special character into the field, we would display error below or Field Not Found.


This means that we didn't find the field because of a permission or the field has special characters in the field name.

- Permission

Make sure your user has access to that field.


- Special Character

Go to the Builder and open the text again and click on Source, and check if the text has any special character, the format of the field should be [[ObjectApiName.FieldApiName]] or {{ObjectApiName.FieldApiName}}, there is a .(dot) between the api and the field api name. For Record Page we use [[ and ]] and for Data Source Prefill we use {{ and }}.


On the image below, after you open the text editor, you click on <> which should show the source code.

Then you check the field that didn't show properly and see if we have any other character that is not object api name or field api name, you can copy that into a notepad remove the special character and paste that again into the text.



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