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Prefill Message

Evm Prefill message, you will be able to show data from the object into the Message. This is available only for Evm Advanced Message.


We have two ways to display data into the message, you can use the Record Page Prefill or you can use the Data Source Prefill.​


The Record Page Prefill, is applied only when you are inside of a Lightning Record Page. The message will get which record you are loading and try to get which fields you want to display in the message. The Prefill is always linked with the Record Id which we have in the URL.


The Data Source Prefill, is applied for any Lightning Page, which could be a Record Pager or just a Lighting Home Page. The DS Prefill gets information from many contexts, and it is all set into Data Source Page, check our documentation here.



The record Page Prefill


To pre-fill a message with fields from a Record Page, you will just need to add the [[ObjectApiName.[dot]FieldApiName]] into the message text.




Account Name: [[Account.Name]]

Custom Object: [[MyObjectA__c.FieldTestA__c]]

Custom Object with Namespace [[Namespace__MyObjectA__c.NameSpace__FieldTestA__c]]


This is how it should looks like on the Builder.



This is how it will looks like when we load the message.



We support all types of fields except fields that has structures, like Addresses. If you need those fields please contact us, so we can prioritize that.


We also support Rich Text Area Fields with salesforce lightning design style. You can check the article here.



When you setup sometimes you can get some errors, this section will help you to solve those issue, these issues will happen when you test your message for the first time.



1. Getting the field error MP137 FieldNotFound

These error happens because we didn't find the field.
The Second error happens because we typed wrong the field Name. You just need to type the Field Api Name, not the label name, if the Field has Namespace, you should type the name space as well.

The first error happens because on the Builder side, we set the name to be bold. We should select the whole [[Account.Name]] and click on "Remove Formatting" this will clean all the format on that text, then if you want to make the Account Name to be bold click on the bold, the bold part should wrap the whole formula([[Account.Name]]) not the content inside.
Here is the Remove Format is located:

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